How to backup and restore Windows registry

Windows registry is a database that stores all the configurations and settings used by components, services, applications, and almost everything in Windows.

Registry has keys which look like folders, and values which are items inside these folders that contain the actual settings.

Before modifying Windows registry it’s a good idea to back it up first so you can restore it if anything went wrong.

To backup the registry, open it first by searching for “regedit” then clicking on registry editor

Backup the whole registry

Right click on computer then export

Then navigate to where you want to save the file, type a name for it, then click on save

Note: if you backed up the whole registry and tried to restore it manually, you may see an error message letting you know that not all the entries were restored because some of the keys are open by the system, which is why it’s best to create a system restore point if you need to backup the whole registry.

Backup part of the registry

Right click on the key you want to backup then export

Then navigate to where you want to save the file, type a name for it, then click on save (make sure selected branch is selected)

Restore registry backup

To restore backed up registry simply double click on the file you back up, then click on “Yes”

Then click on “Ok”